Effective SEO for Real Estate Brokerages
Case study

Real Estate

Investing in SEO as a long-term strategy to increase online engagement and leads.

New Users to the Site
Web Lead Increase
Top Ten Keywords
Conversion Rate Improvement
Backlink Building Helped Increase Leads for a Real Estate Company by 191.6%

Strategically targeted high volume & value keywords places our client on the first page of Google’s SERPs.

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Client’s objectives

  • Push core keywords into top positions. The core keywords the client want to rank for were all on Google’s 3rd page or below.
  • Increase search visibility for longer tail keywords. Long-tail terms which were relevant to the site were not ranking well at all. That was despite the fact that they were relatively uncompetitive. This was because of a mixture of poor on-site optimization and a lack of inbound links.
  • Expand location-specific pages and increase rankings. The site already had a number of location pages targeting specific cities and regions in the United States. Unfortunately, these pages were poorly optimized with very little content.
  • Make sure that the site was optimized correctly. The site for the company had very little rich and unique content which was hurting SEO. On top of that, URL duplication and keyword cannibalization was holding back the site.
Illustration of person talking to another person working on the computer

What client ordered

Once the client's objectives were identified, it was time to come up with a strategy and a way to implement them.

The central strategy was:

  • Address on-site weaknesses resulting from a lack of content, as well as duplication issues and keyword cannibalization.
  • Build overall domain authority using a targeted backlink building campaign.
  • Build the authority of key internal pages through the use of targeted links.
  • Ratify URL duplication caused by mixed case URLs as well as trailing dash inconsistencies.
  • End keyword cannibalization by ensuring keywords were not being targeted by two or more separate pages on the site.

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The results

Following the site audit and on-site SEO optimization as well as consistent and responsible link-building efforts, the site grew month-to-month. This client used us for SEO for multiple locations.

After an 8-month period of our Managed SEO services, organic traffic was up an astounding 93.91%. On top of that, the new users on the site had increased by over 85.43% with 853 new visits in July compared to just 460 six months previous.

What perhaps was most telling, however, was that leads generated by organic traffic increased by an astounding 191.6% between the first and eighth months of the campaigned, with just 72 in the first month turning into 210 in the eight.

On top of that, the conversion rate improved by 50.41% despite the site not being redesigned and no conversation rate optimization taking place.

The increase in conversation rate shows that the traffic our actions were bringing was highly specialized to show that the links we built were highly targeted and relevant to the site.

Keyword rankings also improved vastly, which should not at all be a surprise.

  • Keywords in the top 3 places increased from 9 to 21, an increase of 133.3%.
  • Keywords in the top 10 places increased from 24 to 40, an increase of 66.6%.
  • Keywords in the top 20 places increased from 57 to 146, an increase of 156.1%.

Across the 33 core keywords that were being tracked, there was an overall increase of 546 places. That reflects the fact that a number of high volume and value keywords entered the first page of Google’s SERPs.

If you are interested in improving your site’s outreach and increase your leads and revenue, contact us at today to find out what kind of on-site and link-building efforts you can make to help your site and company reach its full potential.  

Real estate is a competitive space in SEO

This may have increased the challenge of meeting the client’s goals, but it certainly did not make the task impossible by any means.

  • After an 8-month period, organic traffic was up an astounding 93.91%.
  • New users on the site had increased by over 85.43%.
  • Leads from organic traffic increased by an astounding 191.6% in the eighth months of the campaign.
  • The conversion rate improved by 50.41% despite the site not being redesigned and no conversation rate optimization taking place.
  • Keywords in the top 3 places increased from 9 to 21, an increase of 133.3%.
  • Keywords in the top 10 places increased from 24 to 40, an increase of 66.6%.
  • Keywords in the top 20 places increased from 57 to 146, an increase of 156.1%.
  • Across the 33 core keywords that were being tracked, there was an overall increase of 546 places.

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